Thursday, December 21, 2006

For unto us.....


Mrs. Smith said...

Does this mean waht I think it means??? Congrats!!!

Bill said...

That is just TOO clever!!!!


Bill said...

Is that how you told Jason?

Bipin Sen said...

very clever! congrats!!

Anonymous said...

I just read Michelle's comment and my heart starting pounding dangerously hard!


Julie B said...

Ok - I am a complete idiot!!! I had no idea what the pic meant until I read the other comments!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny.... Just make sure you keep your buns to yourself!!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I read this post yesterday, and thought, "What does that mean?" so I came back today to see if you added anything to it to explain yourself, and then I got it ~ I'm a little slow! :) Congrats!!!

Clair Boone @ said...


Lisa said...


Kathy said...

LOVE IT! That is the best way to announce your little bun is there. I LOVE IT! Congrats guys and keep us posted with your progress.

Anonymous said...

candi the cleverness is amazing. i am truly awed by it. :)

but once again..congrats my friend! when are we going out!?

Unknown said...

time to clean the oven.

Jen said...

hahahahah!!!! That's a hoot my preggo buddy. How can you tell if it's a girl bun?

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

I love it, I love it, I love it! Wish I'd have thought of it myself! Can I steal the idea next time we have an announcement to make??? hahahaha

candi said...

Jen Notice it is a hamburger bun and not a hot dog bun, that was on purpose!!!

Bill said...

Hamburger bun? The plot thickens!!!

So is this a known fact or just wishful thinking?

candi said...

It is not a known fact and maybe not even wishful thinking. It just seems logical to me that one out of four pregnancys would end up being a girl. If the odds are fifty fifty and I only need a 25% chance well I don't really know if that adds up.
So wishful thinking it is!!!

Good thing I don't gamble!!

Bill said...

If you want to know the odds, keep reading. If not, stop now!

Here is a site:

And if you don't want to read through it, here is the conclusion:
Although we often hear the "statistic" that you are 30% or even 70% more likely to keep having the same gender, this is just an old wives tale. It is NOT a fact. The truth is, your odds stay pretty close to 50% for each child and only vary slightly. If you have had 2 or 3 boys, you are only about 2% to 6% more likely to have another boy. If you have had girls, you are slightly more likely to have a boy next.

Bipin Sen said...

i think it's time for some updates! :-)

ps. the due date is july 14. aren't you somewhere close to that also?